
The Hobbit by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien - Free read and download PDF book online

The Hobbit

Theme: The Hobbit by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, explores the theme of bravery. Summary: A well mannered Hobbit named Bilbo Baggins, embarks upon a journey to take back a kingdom, and a very important jewel ,with twelve dwarves, and a wizard named Gandalf the Grey. Halfway throughout the journey, Bilbo embarks upon a magic golden

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The Martian by Andy Weir - Free read and download pdf book online

The Martian

Theme: The Martian by Andy Weir, explores the theme of sense of humor, self-control, self-confidence, humility, intellectual curiosity, hard working, problem solving, courage, and integrity. Summary: It is the sheer determination and resourcefulness required for survival in the harshest of environments. Mark Watney, the protagonist, is left stranded on Mars with limited supplies and no immediate

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Elan Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine - Free read and download pdf book online

Elan Enchanted

Theme: Elan Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine Ella, focus on theme of the importance of agency and selflessness in the world. Ella’s inability to refuse commands parallels the experiences of young adults, especially young women, who may have little control over their own lives. Her quest to become independent functions as a coming-of-age story. Famous Quotes:

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kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson - Free read and download pdf book online


Theme: Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson explores the themes of adventure, justice, loyalty and friendship, and diversity of ethics. Summary: It is the story of Davie’s struggle to claim his inheritance and find his place in the world. Alan Breck Stewart who is a loyal Scotsman who helps Davie claim his rightful place in the

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Life of Pi by Yann Martel - Free read and download pdf book online

Life of Pi

Theme: Life of Pi by Yann Martel explores the themes of spirituality and religion, self-perception, the definition of family, and the nature of animals Summary: This novel revolves around a teenage Indian boy, Pi, who becomes lost at sea after a shipwreck. Pi finds himself struggling for survival against the torrential ocean with his only

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White Fang by Jack London - Free read and download pdf book online

White Fang

Theme: White Fang by Jack London explores the theme of nature, the wild, and the complexities of living beings adapting to their surroundings. It also includes the power of empathy and kindness in transforming even the wildest creatures. Summary: It is the story of a wolf dog that is rescued from its brutal owner and gradually

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The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho - Free download pdf book

The Alchemist

Theme: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, explores the theme of love, the universe conspires, perseverance, gratitude, hope, personal legend, dreams, and life. Summary: An Andalusian shepherd boy named Santiago travels from his homeland in Spain to the Egyptian desert in search of a treasure buried in the Pyramids. He is both a simple sheep herder

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