Interview with Lucy Score about Knockemout series

Interview with Lucy Score about Knockemout series -

Lucy Score knows how to capture readers’ hearts who is a Wall Street Journal and #1 Amazon Kindle Store bestseller of romantic comedies and contemporary romance. She has since reached the bestseller lists with her Knockemout series as below:

1) Things We never got over (January 13, 2022)

2)  Things We Hide from the Light (February 21, 2023)

3) Things We Left Behind (September 5, 2023)

 Lucy Score’s first book sold 35 copies. Now she has an instant bestseller.

About Knockemout series:

Question: Will there be any other books in the knockemout series besides Nash and Lucien’s books?
Lucy Score: No, the series will end with Book 3 in September.

Question: Hiiii live love knockemout. Do you know if there will be a story with Jer and Stef?!
Lucy Score: Hi! Jeremiah and Stef’s story will play out across all three books in the series! They’re so much fun as a couple! xoxo

Question: Readers were thrilled to hear that you signed a deal with Amazon MGM Studios to develop Things We Never Got Over for TV. Are there any updates you can share with us about the project? What excites you the most about the prospect of bringing your work to the big screen?
Lucy Score: Oh my gosh, I’m right there with them with the excitement! I don’t have any specific updates to share, but things are moving forward. I can’t wait to see these characters come to life with actors and wardrobe and music. It’s a whole different kind of storytelling for me, which makes me nerd out!

General Questions:

Question: You have been an avid reader since you stole your first romance novel from your mom at the age of 13. Do you remember what the book was? What were the other formative books you read that shaped you into the writer you are today?
Lucy Score: I don’t recall what the very first book was, but I do know that I read Julie Garwood’s The Bride very early on. It was my introduction to the enemies-to-lovers trope and it’s still one of my nostalgic favorites!

Question: With insight into both the publisher and author side of things, what advice would you give an aspiring author when it comes to persevering in the publishing industry?
Lucy Score: My first rule is always write the best book you can. My second rule is go write another one. Beyond that, I think it’s important to choose a focus. There is so much to learn that it can feel incredibly overwhelming. By choosing one thing to focus on at a time — whether it’s Amazon ads, or growing your newsletter list, or increasing your social media engagement or querying agents — you can still make meaningful progress without getting frozen by all the things you don’t know yet.

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