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Trauma And Recovery

 Author: Judith L. Herman  Category: Self-Help  Publisher: Basic Books  Published: May 30, 1997  Language: English  File Size: 4.3 MB  Tags: counsellingFeminismHealthMental Healthnon fictionPsychologyself helpSocial Work |  Download PDF


Trauma And Recovery by Judith L. Herman, explores the theme of safety, choice, collaboration, trustworthiness and empowerment.  It is the foundational text on understanding trauma survivors. By placing individual experience in a political frame, psychiatrist he argues that psychological trauma is inseparable from its social and political context.


It is about “restoring connections” between individuals and communities and reconstructing history in the face of a public discourse that did not want to address the horrors of sexual and domestic violence.

Famous Quotes:

The body remembers, even when the mind forgets.

It takes tremendous courage to face your past and heal from it, but it’s worth every ounce of effort.

Survivors are not weak, they are the strongest because they refused to be broken by their trauma.

Recovery is not about erasing the past, it’s about learning how to live with it.

The first step towards healing is acknowledging the pain and accepting that it is not your fault.

The power to heal lies within you. You have the strength to reclaim your life.

You are not alone. There is a community of survivors who understand and support you.

It’s okay to ask for help. Healing is a journey meant to be shared.

You survived the worst, now thrive in your resilience.

In recovery, you are not just healing yourself, you are breaking the cycle of trauma for future generations.

Your scars are a testament to your strength and resilience. Wear them proudly.

Surround yourself with supportive and understanding people who uplift you on your healing journey.

Reclaim your power by rewriting your narrative. You are the author of your own story.

About Trauma:

Trauma may have stolen your innocence, but it cannot destroy your capacity for love and joy.

Your trauma does not define your future. You have the strength and resilience to create a life filled with joy and purpose.

Trauma may have changed you, but it has also made you resilient and compassionate.

Your trauma does not define you, it’s just a part of your story.

Trauma is not something you get over, it’s something you learn to live with and integrate into your narrative.

Don’t let your trauma silence you. Your voice deserves to be heard.

Trauma is never just an individual tragedy; it’s always a collective one.

Your trauma does not define your worth. You are deserving of love, happiness, and peace.

Trauma is personal. It does not disappear if it is not validated.

The wounds of trauma can become our greatest teachers if we allow them to be.

About Healing:

Healing begins when you choose to no longer be a victim and become a survivor.

The path to healing begins with self-compassion and forgiveness.

Healing requires embracing vulnerability and opening yourself up to the possibility of growth.

Healing doesn’t mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls our lives.

Healing is not a destination, it’s a lifelong process of growth and self-discovery.

Healing requires breaking the silence. Speak your truth and let the world learn from your experiences.

Healing is not linear, it’s like a rollercoaster ride with ups and downs. Be patient and kind to yourself throughout the journey.
