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The Warmth of Other Suns

 Author: Isabel Wilkerson  Category: History  Publisher: Random House  Published: September 7, 2010  Language: English  File Size: 4.3 MB  Tags: African AmericanAmericanBiographycivil rightsHistoryLiteratureNonfictionRaceWar |  Download PDF


The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson, explores the theme of m


It tells the story of the Great Migration—when millions of Black Americans moved from the South to the North and West between 1915 and 1970—to escape the brutality of the Jim Crow Laws and find safety, better pay, and more freedom in what is known today as The Great Migration.

Famous Quotes:

They left in search of a freedom that would allow them to breathe.

They were the living testament to what love could do in a harsh and hateful world.

The Great Migration was a silent exodus, a quiet revolution of hope.

They carried their dreams on their backs, alongside their meager belongings.

In the heart of darkness, they found the strength to rise above.

They traded Jim Crow for uncertain futures.

In unfamiliar territories, they built communities that echoed with the richness of their culture.

They discovered that prejudice had no geography; it followed them like a shadow.

The Warmth of Other Suns became their collective oasis, their refuge from a harsh reality.

Their stories echoed in the halls of power, demanding attention from a nation in denial.

They were the unsung heroes, the foot soldiers who fought for a better tomorrow.

Their sacrifices paved the way for future generations to thrive.

They bore witness to the birth of a new chapter in the American story.

They carried the weight of their ancestors’ dreams on their shoulders.

Their migration was a testament to the indomitable human spirit.

They left behind the comfort of familiarity for a chance at a life worth living.

They refused to be defined by the chains of their past.

Through their journey, they rediscovered the power of self-love.

They refused to let prejudice dictate their worth.

Their voices carried the power of a thousand dreams.

They found solace in the warm embrace of a community bound by shared experiences.

Their journey was not just geographical; it was a transformation of the soul.

They ignited a fire in the hearts of those who came after, a flame that burns bright to this day.
