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The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

 Author: Edward Gibbon  Category: History  Published: February 1, 1776  Language: English  File Size: 23.6 MB  Tags: AncientAncient HistoryClassicsEuropeanHistoricalHistoryNonfictionPoliticsRomanWorld history |  Download PDF


The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon, explores the theme of Gibbon’s six-volume work is that the fall of the Roman Empire was due to the rise of Christianity with its negative effects on the people and politics of Rome.


It described the Roman Empire succumbed to barbarian invasions in large part due to the gradual loss of civic virtue among its citizens. He began an ongoing controversy about the role of Christianity, but he gave great weight to other causes of internal decline and to attacks from outside the Empire.

Famous Quotes:

“The principles of a free constitution are irrecoverably lost, when the legislative power is nominated by the executive.”

“It was from the success, not from the justice, of their enterprises, that they expected the honors of a triumph.”

“It was dangerous to trust the sincerity of Augustus; to seem to distrust it was still more dangerous.”

“War, in its fairest form, implies a perpetual violation of humanity and justice.”

“he forgot that the best of omens is to unsheathe our sword in the defence of our country.”

“The terror of the Roman arms added weight and dignity to the moderation of the emperors. They preserved peace by a constant preparation for war;”

“the fundamental maxim of Artistotle, that true virtue is placed at an equal distance between the opposite vices.”

“During many ages, the prediction, as it is usual, contributed to its own accomplishment. ”

“Revenge is profitable, gratitude is expensive.”

“and it was an inflexible maxim of Roman discipline, that a good soldier should dread his officers far more than the enemy. ”

“but his days were shortened by poison, perhaps the most incurable of poisons; the stings of remorse and despair, and the bitter remembrance of lost glory.”
