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The Bone Clocks

 Author: David Mitchell  Category: Drama  Published: September 2, 2014  Language: English  File Size: 3.3 MB  Tags: ContemporarydramaFantasyFictionLiteraryMagical RealismScience fiction |  Download PDF


The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell, explores the theme of war and violence. It is divided into chapters that focus on different characters connected to one central protagonist, Holly Sykes, during successive historical moments.


It follows Holly Sykes, a young woman from Kent, England, who becomes embroiled in a secret war between two groups of immortal beings called the Horologists and the Anchorites.

Famous Quotes:

Think of better times. Remember the piercing light beyond the dying sun. Never forget.

Being alive was my favorite occupation.

I’ve always been interested in lives that have the potential to change the world.

We live on, as long as there are people to live on in.

Death is not the end, there is more, far more.

Love doesn’t always make sense, but when it’s real, it’s always worth fighting for.

The world spins in circles, and all the ghosts that inhabit it are here to stay.

Sometimes the world don’t give you a chance, so you have to take one.

Change is the only constant; there is no certainty in this world or the next.

Time is the ultimate trickster; it can both heal and destroy.

There are no such things as ghosts, only echoes of the past that refuse to fade away.

We are all connected in ways we cannot yet comprehend, and our actions ripple through time and space.

The darkest night cannot extinguish the smallest glimmer of hope.

Good people fight, and sometimes they win.

We are bound to each other, for better or worse, through time and eternity.

Power comes at a great price; it can corrupt even the purest of hearts.

Sometimes the hardest battles we fight are the ones within ourselves.

The truth may hurt, but it also sets you free.

The smallest act of kindness can change the course of someone’s life.

Our choices define us, and they have consequences that reach far beyond our own existence.

We are all products of our own choices, but we also have the power to shape our own destiny.

Do not underestimate the power of love; it can transcend time and space.

We are all connected, woven together in the tapestry of existence.

Even in the darkest times, there is always a glimmer of hope to hold on to.
