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Taiz Hawa Aur Tanha Phool

 Author: Munir Niazi  Category: Kulliyat  Publisher: Gora Publishers, Lahore  Published: July 22, 1994  Country: Pakistan  Language: Urdu  File Size: 8 MB  Tags: KulliyatpoemspoetryUrdu |  Download PDF

تیز ہوا اور تنہا پھول

Taiz Hawa Aur Tanha Phool by Munir Niazi

In his poetry, there is a hell-like field of human life and also the lost paradise of man. Through his Urdu and Punjabi poetry, he made a profound impact on at least three generations and left such a deep impression that he became a legend and his poetry became a classic. His poetry is a fragrance of feelings and attitudes of the whole era.
