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Pillow thoughts

 Author: Courtney Peppernell  Category: Poetry  Publisher: ndrews McMeel Publishing  Published: August 29, 2017  Language: English  File Size: 2.1 MB  Tags: ContemporaryloveMental HealthNonfictionpoetryRomanceself help |  Download PDF


Pillow Thoughts by Courtney Peppernell, is a collection of poetry and prose about heartbreak, love, loss, and self-worth. He divided this into ten sections, making it so simple to skip to the parts where you want to feel the most. She submerges her words into all the aspects that come along when falling in love with somebody.

Famous Quotes:

“Perhaps it’s just easier to smile and pretend everything is fine, rather than admit my heart’s a little swollen from losing something that wasn’t even mine.”

People should fall in love more.

“Is that why you play the music so loud? A beat to drown out the thoughts, sound so high you cannot think, lyrics so close to home you don’t even blink.”

“The tragedy of what could have been is nearly as crippling as what once was but can never be again.”

“Be kind to yourself, the way you would be to someone you love.”

“But the world is exhausted, and the only wealth we have left is love.”

“If you were a novel, you’d be an adventure of sadness and happiness and love lost in between.”

“Life is unpredictable, and I’d rather play every card as honestly as I can than have a deck full of regrets and what-ifs.”

In the mornings, I think about holding your hand, drinking coffee in bookstores, and keeping that heart of yours forever.

“Of all the tragedies on this earth, there is none more tragic than a person who cannot see their worth.”

“I am no more the person that you left than you are the person I miss.”

“I loved what we had too. The only difference was that I saw it as forever and you saw it as just for now.”

“When you take a lover who uncovers all your flaws, listens to the very essence of who you are and embraces you rather than judges you, hold on to this love for a lifetime, as you will never find a love quite as pure.”

“I have been a little off balance since the day I met you. This is because I had never known what it is like to be perfectly aligned.”

I wish for someone to look at me and lose the next thing they were going to say.

“You are a battlefield. Never will there be a greater war than the one you hold with yourself.”

“You were always miles away. Maybe you were just always meant to be miles away. The distance saw us together in a dream and thought we were better off without all the mess.”

the saddest part was not the tears or the constant shutting of doors. It’s that this was the best we could do.

I am not afraid of spiders or small spaces or missing flights. I am afraid of ignoring warning signs and red flags and finding out I was right

My mind repeats all the mistakes I’ve made, like a bad movie reminding me of all the things that cause me so much doubt

Every survivor has different fears. You don’t get to choose what should and shouldn’t haunt them.

There is beauty in the chaos of living.

I have good days And bad days And on both I am thinking of you

