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Basic Italian

 Author: Stella Peyronel and Ian Higgins  Category: Italian  Language: Italian  File Size: 958 KB  Tags: ItalianLanguageLearning |  Download PDF

Basic Italian – A grammar and workbook by Stella Peyronel and Ian Higgins.


A basic Italian sentence has a SVO order, that is first the Subject, then the Verb and then the Object. In order to ask a simply yes/no question, you don’t need to modify this order. You just need a question mark or a question intonation.

Basic Italian Words:

  1. Ciao – Hello/Goodbye
  2. Salve – Hello (formal)
  3. Sì – Yes
  4. No – No
  5. Grazie – Thank you
  6. Per favore – Please
  7. Grazie mille – Thank you so much
  8. Prego – You’re welcome
  9. Buongiorno – Good day/morning
  10. Buonasera – Good evening
  11. Buonanotte – Goodnight (used when you’re actually going to bed)
  12. Salute!/ Cin cin! – Cheers!
  13. Bello (masculine); Bella (feminine) – Beautiful
  14. Buono (masculine); Buona (feminine) – Good
  15. Bene – Well
  16. Amico (masculine); Amica (feminine) – Friend
  17. Il conto – The check/bill
  18. Via/Strada – Street
  19. Vino – Wine
  20. Birra – Beer
  21. Aperitivo – Pre-dinner drinks & snacks (Italian version of happy hour)
  22. Stazione – Train station
  23. Treno – Train
  24. Binario – Train platform
  25. Autobus – Bus
  26. Fermata – Stop (bus/train)
  27. Bagagli – Luggage
  28. Biglietto – Ticket
  29. Spiaggia/Lido – Beach
  30. Ristorante – Restaurant
  31. Bagno – Bathroom
  32. Albergo – Hotel

Basic Italian Phrases:

  1. Come ti chiami? – What’s your name?
  2. Mi chiamo… – My name is …
  3. Va bene – OK
  4. Permesso – Excuse me (when passing through a crowd or on transportation)
  5. Scusa – Excuse me
  6. Mi dispiace – I’m sorry
  7. Come stai? – How are you?
  8. Come va? – How’s it going?
  9. Tutto bene – All is well
  10. Non lo so – I don’t know
  11. Dov’è il bagno? – Where is the bathroom?
  12. Parli Inglese? – Do you speak English?
  13. Non parlo Italiano – I don’t speak Italian
  14. Quanto costa? – How much does it cost?
  15. Sono di … – I am from …
  16. Mi piace … – I like …
  17. Non mi piace … – I don’t like …
  18. Andiamo – Let’s go

Italian Love Phrases:

  • Ti amo- I love you.
  • Sono pazzo di te- I’m crazy about you.
  • Sei la cosa più bella che mi sia mai capitata- You’re the best thing that ever happened to me.
  • Mi sono innamorato di te- I’m in love with you.
  • Voglio passare il resto della mia vita con te- I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
  • Mi sono perso nei tuoi occhi- I’m lost in your eyes.
  • Sei la mia anima gemella. – You are my soul mate.
  • Resta con me per sempre- Stay with me forever.
  • Farei qualsiasi cosa per te- I would do anything for you.
  • Mi sono infatuato/a di te. – I’m infatuated with you.
  • Potrei guardarti tutto il giorno. – I could look at you all day.
  • Non posso vivere senza di te- I can’t live without you.
